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Can a Waterproof Phone Get Water Damage?[Answered]

Water proof phones can survive in water if the conditions are within its tolerance rating. However, subjecting a waterproof phone to conditions beyond the phones capabilities will lead to water damage.

Waterproof phones are rated according to how deep you can submerge them in water and the time period spent under water.

If you submerge the phone in water deeper than the rated depth, you risk damaging your phone. Also, you can destroy your phone, if you keep it under water for periods longer than the rated time.

In addition, waterproof ratings don’t account for things like:

1. Pressurized water

Using a phone while swiming or in a shower will subject the phone to water pressure that is not accounted for in lab like conditions.

Swimming with you phone might also subject your phone to water under higher pressure.

2. Age

When a phone is new, you can trust its waterproof features to work, since all the gaskets, seals and glue are intact.

As a phone ages, the waterproofing features will deteroriates. The gaskets and glue deteroriates and with time, the phone looses its waterproofing characteristics.

3. Water Temperature

Water proofing works well within normal room temperature. In hot water, the rubber and glue that maintains the water tight seal starts to deteroriate. Also, hot water will deform plastic body of the phone.

Then, its only a matter of time before water starts seeping in.

4. Salt or Chemically Treated Water

Phones are only tested and rated with stable fresh water. When it comes to salt water or chemically treated water, your water proof phone might not hold up very well.

There is no telling what the additives in the water will do to the waterproofing rubber, seals and glue.

And once the water gets in, it dishes out more damage than fresh water.

Falls and Drops

Waterproof phones like any other phone gets dropped a numerous times in their lifetime. Some of the drops causes cracks and fissures on the phone and they might be imperceptible to the owner. These cracks may allow water to freely flow into the phone.


Waterproof phones are great because they allow you to work in water and near water without worrying about them. However, its important to understand their limits so that they last longer without damage.